T-Rex Steel is one of Thailand's leading manufacturer of steel and grating products. We are a leader in the design and improvements of steel and grating products.We are designed and manufactured to exacting standards, incorporating the latest technique in high tensile structure design and fabrication. With over twenty year of experience in manufacturing multi – products , We offer internations class for
Building Structure - (Building for manufacturing plant , office , factory)
Build Up , Weld Beam - (Fabrication Beam)
Machine part Structure - (Machine Part , Conveyors and Bulk material
Handling Equipments)
Automotive Structure - (Chassis , Trailer , Spare part)
Grating - (Standard , Handmade)
We could sever the domestic and Export market and have
full capability in strengthening its worldwide market presence.
To be an international leader in the manufacturing by high quality,continuous improvement and incorporating the lastest in design and fabrication.
To conduct business with ethics,safety regulation in order to cover customer delight.
Head Office : 449/183 Soi Suwinthawong 11,Suwinthawong Rd.,Sansab,Minburi , Bangkok 10510 Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2989-4663-4 Fax: +66 (0) 2989-4665
E-Mail Address: nutthawut.c@trexsteel.com Mobile: +66 (0) 952549720 bandhit@trexsteel.com Mobile: +66 (0) 89831-5107